Lady Tam Tam

...knows what to wear and sometimes she just likes to boogie...

Monday, November 22, 2010


Tis the season to jolly...Let me paint a picture for you of how we like to party with the fam-jam...
So your grooving with your grandparents; family... I picture myself wearing something hideous just to be an asshole and piss off my parents.  I'm thinking a retro Christmas sweater with a bit of tinsel in my hair.  Everyone is sitting watching a hardcore classic: Scrooge....Grandma is hammered on Baileys, the rest of us have overdosed on too much wine and lasagna.  We're gearing up for midnight mass oh joy oh dad is cracking jokes in church we get scolded by the active church goers.  (will attach picture of hideous sweater...I'm on the look out for it) Stay tuned.

Well as we count down for X-Mas, I hope you don't get too frazzled and ensure safe holiday shopping. check the back seat of your car for any criminals. and make sure you carry a switch blade in your purse (kidding!!!!)

The above samples are from various pockets of the Internet.   I especially like the x-mas card bit, its cute inexpensive and fun.  The modern Christmas seems very removed, harsh and boring, I know I wouldn't want to have my Christmas gift under that tree. who would? some serious boring assholes have a's heartless really it's made out of jenga piece which is actually pretty smart (for an art project) it's festive it pretentious

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