Lady Tam Tam

...knows what to wear and sometimes she just likes to boogie...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Love and Other Drugs Trailer (HD)

The Freebie (2010) Trailer

Monday, November 29, 2010

Animal prints... a wild side...

 animal prints done right
 brown oxfords with a leopard inspired print. ya...I'm going to the office like this.
 currently looking for some fur...only vintage as I want to preserve the furry animals on the are a great place to find inexpensive real fur.
 I simply love these socks~I've always had a soft spot for socks like these....and her lingerie inspired me to purchase something similar at club monaco.
'nuff said.
 hard metal mixed with a lady like floral print is an elegant juxtaposition.
who doesn't want to look like they are near orgasm wearing these jeans...or at least ready for one. ha ha

Friday, November 26, 2010

Beirut - Elephant Gun

this song brings me back to a time when I was so inspired I was literally painting 3 times a day and enthralled in love...I always go back to it because the memories are so vivid and wild. It simply infuses me with joy and wonderment of life...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Perhaps no garment is as romanticized as the trench coat; from South Africa to France to Casablanca to London, it has remained functional and almost unchanged for over 100 years.  

Look closely at the pictures in this article and you’ll notice the trench coat of a century ago is almost identical to those sold in shops today.  Surprisingly, very few men sport a trench coat nowadays despite its enduring heritage.  

For WWI, Burberry redesigned the coat to include D-rings and shoulders straps, and the British War Board ordered over half a million of them for the military’s officers. The coat quickly became a coveted item among soldiers; it held its own in cold weather by utilizing a wool blanket insert and also served as an emergency sleeping system. The coat earned its name from the protection and mobility it provided to the men fighting in the war’s infamous trenches.

Nowadays we see them all over the place celebrities and laymen all love the trench.  No other brand does the trench better than Burberry.  I love you Burberry.  

                                                                      Mr. Bogart


                                                                             Mr. Leto

I long for your quilted leather jacket and the over sized aviator leather a shearing jacket....

and throw in those boots because they're spectacular!!!! Wow! Yummm

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

So much, so much geek chic and leather yumm

This post is jumbled but so is my thought process. Here we have some super wicked models with some really sweet ensembles.  I think of T-Rex (Marc Bolan) when I look at this type of clothing.  Its a mix of 70's and 80's .... which is sexy glam rock, the best type of music right? well at least when I'm dancing in my bedroom trying to figure out what to wear. Anyways, his lyrics make no sense but they are catchy and resonate with my soul for whatever reason....he was on to something clearly.  I add the hubcap pic because of his one line in the song: 'GET it ON'...."well youre built like car, you have hubcap diamond star're built like a car oh yeah" sheer brilliance.  I'll add the song as well so you get a full dose of what I'm thinking.  Boogie, Sexy, Leather baby!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Tis the season to jolly...Let me paint a picture for you of how we like to party with the fam-jam...
So your grooving with your grandparents; family... I picture myself wearing something hideous just to be an asshole and piss off my parents.  I'm thinking a retro Christmas sweater with a bit of tinsel in my hair.  Everyone is sitting watching a hardcore classic: Scrooge....Grandma is hammered on Baileys, the rest of us have overdosed on too much wine and lasagna.  We're gearing up for midnight mass oh joy oh dad is cracking jokes in church we get scolded by the active church goers.  (will attach picture of hideous sweater...I'm on the look out for it) Stay tuned.

Well as we count down for X-Mas, I hope you don't get too frazzled and ensure safe holiday shopping. check the back seat of your car for any criminals. and make sure you carry a switch blade in your purse (kidding!!!!)

The above samples are from various pockets of the Internet.   I especially like the x-mas card bit, its cute inexpensive and fun.  The modern Christmas seems very removed, harsh and boring, I know I wouldn't want to have my Christmas gift under that tree. who would? some serious boring assholes have a's heartless really it's made out of jenga piece which is actually pretty smart (for an art project) it's festive it pretentious

Chapter 1-