Lady Tam Tam

...knows what to wear and sometimes she just likes to boogie...

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Its almost 2012...

Things on my mind:

December 21, 2012?... are we doomed?  (Less than a year away)

If so, is it a bad time to buy real estate?

Should I teach abroad, for the fun of it?

Should I commit to neon denim?, Or is it just a fad that will pass faster than Katy Perry's terrible songs.

About committing:

I need to commit to something other than the gym (yoga, meditating) something that is difficult and compromises and challenges me both physically and mentally.  This will add discipline to my life.

Eating healthier EVERYBODY says it. These are some simple things I/you can do...
1. drink more water
2. staying away from condiments
3. cutting out sugar. SERIOUSLY, I'm serious about this!!!
4. exercising 3-4 x per week.
5. regular shopping sprees :) this is important.
6. be continued....I must organize my room.

Ciao for now. Wishing all of you a very happy new year! safe drinking practices (one drink of alcohol two cups of water)


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