Lady Tam Tam

...knows what to wear and sometimes she just likes to boogie...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Walkmen - In the New Year (music video)

"I know that its true, its going to be a good year"

all things

I can't say I know what this post is about, but I think the theme is love found in different forms.  Love of lines, tiles, art and emotion.  Cool love, fun love.  I suppose its a reminder to everyone to stay present in the moment.  Being cautious of words spoken, and try not to cause pain.  2010 is coming to a close.  We've all been trying our best and sometimes feeling defeat.  Stay strong, everyday is a new day to try something new, leave the past behind and move forward by continuing to be present and aware...I'll write some more in a bit....for now ciao tutti.

 This picture make me happy for so many reasons.  Firstly the tiles...who doesn't love black and white tiles?.  It reminds me of Alice in Wonderland in a Parisian setting.  The toilet paper on the floor is just classy (aha).  I love how there is clothes and stuff everywhere makes it believable.

 How cute is this photo, I adore it.  Two creatures that are so different and being loving.  Makes me think that animals are more loving than humans at times.

 Last New Years....coming home from collingwood...crazy blizzard.
 Antiques I found.
 family treasure.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

In the illustrious words of NIKE, just do it. If you think something will make you happy, do it! Contemplation and analyzing is for the weak.  You're gut instinct is right, always.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

 the look and taste of these delectable cookies reminds me of Paris France.

 Reindeer do exist...told you so.
 for my secret secret lover....
 Oh butterflies...
 so sweet and so sad...fuck you oil companies.
 life is magic...

Edgar Degas

Edgar Degas....
I'm falling in and out of the past...and tumble into the present; not ever really knowing where I am. Thoughts are real, as are the feelings associated wtih each thought...remember, remember, fragments, smells, tastes, sounds, touch...remember...

BLACK SWAN - Official HD trailer

Notes On A Scandal - Trailer

Aimee Mann - Wise Up

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Chapter 1-